
Fee Structure

Fee Structure


Fee Structure for B.Pharma is as follows: (4yr, semesterwise course)

Fee Structure Amount Remark
Tution Fees & Development Fees etc.Rs. 33950/-Per Semester
Caution MoneyRs. 1500/- Refundable after course completion
Uniform FeesRs. 5500/- Two Shirts, Two Pants, One Blazer One Tie,One Apron (to be provided at the time of admission only)
Book Bank with BagRs. 565/- (per semester)One Bag (to be provided at the time of admission only)
Total FeesRs. 41515/-
Tantative Fee Structure for B.Pharma is as follows: (4yr,semesterwise course)
Uniform Fees Rs. 5500/- Two Shirts, Two Pants, One Blazer & One Tie ,One Apron(to be provided at the time of admission only)
Book Bank with Bag Rs. 565/- (per semester) One Bag (to be provided at the time of admission only)

Note: 1. Fees to be paid from 2nd sem onwards Rs.34515/-

2. Sports fee :Rs.150 /- anually


Fee Structure for D.Pharma is as follows: (2 yr course)

Fee Structure Amount Remark
Tution Fees & Development Fees etc.Rs. 54000/-Per Year
Caution MoneyRs. 1500/- Refundable after course completion
Uniform FeesRs. 5500/- Two Shirts, Two Pants, One Blazer One Tie,One Apron (to be provided at the time of admission only)
Book Bank with BagRs. 1250/- (per year)One Bag (to be provided at the time of admission only)
Total FeesRs. 62250/-

Note: 1. Fees to be paid on 2nd year Rs.55250/-

2. Sports fee :Rs.150 /- anually

LCIT College Of Pharmacy
Near High Cout, Raipur Road
Bodri, Bilaspur
Chhattisgarh, India
Pin: 495220

Contact No.: 9340512388 (Office), 7566217555
Web URL:

Anti Ragging: 24x7 Toll Free Number. 1800-180-5522

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